A Behavioral Health Consultant holds a doctorate in Behavioral Health. Psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, social workers and other medical providers are trained to search for disorders and diagnoses. These diagnoses can be harmful as they can act as a label and even serve as an identity for some people. Behavioral Health Consultants do not look for something “wrong” with you—hence, they are not looking for a cure because you’re not broken! Most people develop patterns of thinking and acting in their life that at times are harmful to themselves and their relationships. What clinicians diagnose as Major Depressive Disorder may merely be a pattern of negative focus and self-language.
A Behavioral Health Consultant will address maladaptive patterns and link the emotion that serves as the driving force for the behavior or thought processes. By bringing these items to conscious awareness, enables a change in perception. This, coupled with new strategies for interruption of the pattern results in a sustainable transformation. Much like a sports coach is to an elite athlete, these learnings offer an individual to grow with a new set of skills which lead them to a richer, fuller life…free of the negative forces which once guided them.
This modality also allows more confidentiality than traditional forms of behavioral medicine. Diagnoses entered by clinicians into an electronic medical record can follow a person for the rest of their life. With this kind of synergistic interaction, there are no disorders or diagnoses—only differences. Your challenges are not entered into any computer system which always carries the risk of being compromised.